A solution file contains the data for the entire settlement tree computed by a team. All trajectories that are part of the tree are recorded in the file. If a team wishes to alter part or all of their solution, a new file for the entire settlement tree must be submitted. The submission epoch used in scoring the new file will be the epoch at which that new file was submitted.
Full details on the solution file format may be found in the gtocX_submission_format.pdf file, available for download here:
        Download gtocX_submission_format.pdf
Solution files are to be submitted via the submission link at the left. Teams may submit a maximum of five solutions per sliding 12-hour period. Only registered website users, once they have logged in, can submit solutions here. The submission will get credited to the team with which the username is affiliated. The submission will have a preliminary validation check done first, with results displayed for the user on the submission confirmation page "immediately". After the preliminary validation, a thorough validation and scoring will be done on our servers. This may take a short time and the results of this step will appear as an update to the submission history for the team. Only usernames on the team can see this submission history. If the thorough validation is successful, the score will be compared with the score of the team's entry on the leaderboard; if it is an improvement, the leaderboard will be updated to reflect the team's new score.
The Submission Period will open on Tuesday, 21 May, at 8pm UTC and run through 12 June, at 8pm UTC.
A backup method for submitting solutions, to be used only in the case of difficulties with the standard process, is to email the solution file to gtocx@jpl.nasa.gov for manual verification. This will take substantially longer than the automated verification. Email submissions must still respect the start and end times of the Submission Period.